Need A Good Daily Website Schedule 2

I need to figure out how to get myself on a good schedule for my various websites. I’m hoping that I’m headed in the right direction as far as getting something like that set up.

One site has an email account that needs to be checked daily or it gets overwhelming. These emails aren’t activity on the site, but rather keyword alerts to news stories I may want to comment on or tweet – in an effort to drive traffic to the site. Life gets in the way and next thing I know I haven’t checked my email in TWO WEEKS. Every day huh? Not working so well.

So… the genius that I am, the one that can’t seem to check email daily, went and set up a website that needs interaction daily?? Perhaps multiple times a day?? Yeah, that makes so much sense. I think it will be just fine in the long run, but it’s going to be difficult while I work to get the website fully up and running. On the bright side: it’s amazing what effect “sleeping on it” can have on something. That blog theme that I HATED? Go figure – the next day I thought it looked better than anything else. So, it stays for now.

This is what I need to happen:

  • One site needs email checked daily, every other day at the latest. This site also needs content at least twice a week.
  • One site needs content daily. The details will have to fall in place as I see how things go with it. This will need adjustment later.
  • One site needs content several times a week. I’m actively working on that one. It helps to have a theme I really like! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Need A Good Daily Website Schedule

  • Melanie

    A schedule does help. You may not always be able to post on time, but it helps readers to know what to expect. Blogging is definitely hard work.

  • LifeBafflesMe Post author

    I’m not so much worried about readers at the moment. More worried about ME. Not sure how I can go two weeks without checking email on one account. Out of time this morning, so it’ll have to be later I guess.

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