WAY Outside My Comfort Zone! 4

So… remember the “viral contender” – the website I’d LOVE to go viral? Life kinda got in the way, it got a little discouraging, I lost interest, or whatever… I just haven’t been TRYING with that site like I should be.

Oh boy – did I instantly feel sick to my stomach when I ran across a relevant thread on a major site that I read daily! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY did I have to let that site slide!?

So… I shut off Facebook and got to work. Filled in some gaps and made the site look aย littleย less barren. Yuck. It’s not what I want from the site, but at least it looks better than it did yesterday.

What did I do next? Well, managed to work it into the conversation in that thread.


This website is WAY outside my comfort zone! I feel comfortable with the information posted there and I’ve learned a TON over the years. I just do not feel comfortable contributing to the conversation.

This is actually a conversation I feel I can add to though. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, that was 15 minutes ago that I dropped the link into the conversation – quite anonymously. . Let’s see what kind of response it gets. This is a TOUGH forum to be in…

4 thoughts on “WAY Outside My Comfort Zone!

  • LifeBafflesMe

    In theory… :/ Was hoping for more than 20 visitors to the site. REALLY? 20?!?
    You wonder why I get discouraged with this sometimes. I just don’t get it.

    • LifeBafflesMe Post author

      You absolutely will be among the few that can have the link – when I am ready to share it with more than the 2 people I’ve already shared it with. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not to that point yet and I’m not sure when I’ll get there. I have reasons for wanting to keep my name away from the site. It’s not bad – it’s actually a site I see a lot of people say they’d like to start, yet no one seems to want to engage in discussion. :/

      Ended the day with a whopping 21 visitors. Never gonna catch the site I don’t care about that gets 3000 visitors a month, huh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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