Writer’s Block

I seem to be suffering from bad writer’s block. I’ll spend hours reading and researching ideas that I have – and then I just can’t do ANYTHING with them. I have so many ideas I want to run with and I just can’t make myself run with any of them. I even have a website with over a year’s worth of content and I can’t push myself to the next step. Can’t figure out how to make myself publicize the damn page. It’s aggravating! I get these great ideas, do some research, start on the project, and promptly get BORED. I can’t even seem to make myself write about it here most days. I dunno… my mind blocks it out or something. I need to figure out how to change this! Sick of being stuck in the middle of all these projects and absolutely nothing to show for them! If I could just remember to write stuff HERE, maybe I could keep the juices flowing elsewhere. Even if for a while all I’m writing is that I’m still stuck…