All This Blogging Talk Makes Me Want To Blog! 2

I was discussing some blog issues with some blogging buddies today… and that only made me want to blog more!

The problem is: the website I want to work on the most is a rather specialized niche. I want to participate in discussions, but I can only participate when there are applicable news articles. Of course… when I wasn’t feel like blogging the past few weeks, there were TONS of associated news stories to comment on. Every time I saw one, I’d tell myself I should go comment… but I just couldn’t. 🙁  Really regretting that NOW since I can’t find many major news stories to comment on. I’ve done this before and it really drove traffic to the site. The traffic just doesn’t seem to stay and I don’t understand why. It’s a topic that SHOULD, in my mind, be quite popular. I dunno… maybe I don’t post often enough, or I’m not saying the right stuff. *Something* has to still be off – despite me changing things and trying harder or trying differently.

I think I can make the site grow if I stick with it… it’s just a matter of getting myself to stick with it.

You hear that blogging buddies of mine? Kick my butt into gear please! The only way I will be able to make anything of that website is if I am On.The.Ball. I have good content for it – I just need to get people interested!

2 thoughts on “All This Blogging Talk Makes Me Want To Blog!

  • Cj Sweet

    I haven’t a clue. But I think commenting on related articles is definitely a good start!

    • LifeBafflesMe Post author

      If I can start driving traffic to the site, I am considering an Amazon gift card giveaway. That usually drives more traffic to sites! I just want SOME traffic first. :/

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