It’s complicated…

As we were getting ready to run an errand, my husband was telling me about a coworker who has been having marriage problems. Apparently she finally kicked her husband out because her Facebook relationship status suddenly went from “Married” to “Single”. He wondered why someone would be so quick to change their status in a situation like that. Wait for the dust to settle or something! I said I didn’t even think “Married” should be an option for relationship status. He looked at me inquisitively. Nah… “It’s complicated!” should be the default. It’s a lot more accurate than “Married” in most situations, good or bad. We sure got a good laugh over that one as we walked out the door. He suggested we both change our relationship status to that when we got back home. Oh boy, wouldn’t that cause people to ask questions. It’s true though – our marriage IS complicated. That’s not a bad thing! 🙂