Time For Some Changes Around Here!


This blog is MOVING!!!

Yes, it’s time for some changes around here. I’ve had the blogging itch for a while now… but… I just don’t for some reason. Why? I’m sure there are multiple reasons, but I only recently realized what the biggest problem was: my domain name. I have outgrown it. This domain “suited me” for many years, but even then I failed to blog as much as I would have liked to. Other factors played into that though.

Several days ago I realized I needed a new domain to blog on and run with, but WHAT? Oh boy, doesn’t that seem like a daunting task in this day and age of *everything* being taken already? I decided to think on it… and think… and think. A word I was drawn to popped into my head, so I thought about it a bit more. I tried different variations of the word, different combinations with other words. At this point I was just playing around with ideas in my head. The ideas sounded good, but I really wanted a particular vision for the new site. I was very focused on one particular word and I knew I would be very happy if I could come up with an idea that used that word.

I do my best thinking in the morning, and that’s when the idea hit me – early yesterday morning. It sounded perfect! So simple though. Surely it MUST be taken already. I did a quick keyword search and found blog posts, articles… but no overall concepts or websites. Interesting. A quick search at my registrar’s site revealed an available domain! A few minutes later, it was MINE! A new domain that actually EXCITES me!

There are some challenges though. It’s a simple enough concept that I haven’t yet found an Instagram username to use. Every variation I try has been taken already. I will have to work on that a bit more. The plan is to update my Facebook page and my Instagram account. Once I get the new site set up, I’ll announce it here and put a redirect in.

I’m not running away and I’m not hiding from anyone! I simply need a change – a blog that is more aligned with who I am these days. The old me is long gone! I’m not so baffled anymore.